Sunday, January 17, 2016

Writing an Introduction of Research Paper

From the researchers and scholars we have come to know that that Introduction writing is very critical as this is the first step where you engage the reader in your research. And if he/she gets engaged you will be able to communicate your findings and research results in a better position (Perry, C., 1998). Following is template of writing introduction of the research given by Ched Perry.
1.                  Introduction
1.1.                        Background to the research
(outlines the broad field of study and then leads into the focus of the research problem)
1.2.                        Research problem and hypotheses
(outlines the core or one big idea of the research, starting with the research problem)
1.3.                        Justification for the research
(the research problem should be important on several theoretical and practical grounds)
1.4.                        Methodology
(An introductory overview of the methodology)
1.5.                        Outline of the report
(Each chapter is briefly described in this section)
1.6.                        Definitions
(Author may need to justify some of their definitions)
1.7.                        Delimitations of scope and key assumptions
(`builds a fence' around the research)

1.8.                        Conclusion
(Summarizes the key achievements of the chapter)

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