Sunday, January 24, 2016

Corruption in Sindh Assembly Secretariat

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Lemon Max Long Bar

Recent ad of Lemon Max long Bar is the perfect example of AIDA model. It grabs the attention, develop the interest, create desire and then purchase decision.

Fahad Mustafa becoming a very popular celebrity specially in the Middle Class families due to his top rated show Jeeto Pakistan. He became famous when he challenged Amir Liaquat Hussain by his shows during Ramadan 2014. Maya Ali might not be known by her name but her performance in Diyaar e Dil catches the ladies attention.

The story of the ad is basically a husband belonging to middle class family invites his wife to go for long drive. But her mother in law asked her to wash all the crockery. Here comes the significance of Lemon Max Long Bar that it can clean all the dishes, cups etc and one bar is sufficient enough for 35 - 40 days.

Target Audience:  
SEC: Middle Class i.e. SEC B, B-, C+, C
Aged between 20 - 45
Females, particularly house wives

Message: One Bar is enough for One month


Sunday, January 17, 2016

Writing an Introduction of Research Paper

From the researchers and scholars we have come to know that that Introduction writing is very critical as this is the first step where you engage the reader in your research. And if he/she gets engaged you will be able to communicate your findings and research results in a better position (Perry, C., 1998). Following is template of writing introduction of the research given by Ched Perry.
1.                  Introduction
1.1.                        Background to the research
(outlines the broad field of study and then leads into the focus of the research problem)
1.2.                        Research problem and hypotheses
(outlines the core or one big idea of the research, starting with the research problem)
1.3.                        Justification for the research
(the research problem should be important on several theoretical and practical grounds)
1.4.                        Methodology
(An introductory overview of the methodology)
1.5.                        Outline of the report
(Each chapter is briefly described in this section)
1.6.                        Definitions
(Author may need to justify some of their definitions)
1.7.                        Delimitations of scope and key assumptions
(`builds a fence' around the research)

1.8.                        Conclusion
(Summarizes the key achievements of the chapter)

Monday, January 11, 2016

Elaboration Likelihood Model

The ELM is a two-procedure model of reaction to promoting jolts (Petty, Cacioppo, & Schumann, 1983). With respect to the "elaboration" part of the ELM, "toward one side… there is for all intents and purposes no reasoning about the issues talked about in the message, while at the flip side there is a tremendous measure of mental movement, as the individual considers and psychologically expounds on message contentions" (Perloff, 2003, p. 118-119). Under states of high inclusion, the disposition change is prepared through the focal course. This is when "purchasers will probably give a great deal of exertion toward and put significant individual contribution in shaping or changing states of mind and deciding" (Hoyer & MacInnis, 2007, p. 127).
The focal course is utilized to process data that the viewer observes to be essential to the genuine characteristics of a specific attitudinal position (Petty, Cacioppo, & Schumann, 1983). Under states of low contribution, disposition change is handled through the fringe course (Petty, Cacioppo, and Schumann, 1983). This is the point at which "buyers' mentalities depend on a more tangential or shallow investigation of the message, not on an effortful examination of its actual benefits" (Hoyer & MacInnis, 2007, p. 127).
For instance, rather than considering the favorable circumstances and impediments of a dispute, an individual may recognize a conflict basically in light of the way that a genius was used as a piece of the backing. Figure 1.0. offers an outline of the model.
As showed by Petty, Cacioppo and Schumann (1983), understanding perspectives has happened to key excitement within client conduct research. Pros and supports have conferred a ton of time and effort with a particular final objective to choose how to change the buyer's perspective to offer their picture. In this way, Petty and Cacioppo's Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) is a convincing contraption in examination considering the perspectives and impact in customer behavior research. In order to grasp the ELM, it is first basic to portray the terms perspective and affect and impact, concerning mien, since these words are essential in appreciation the model. Mindsets are described as "general evaluations people hold concerning themselves, different people, challenges, and issues" (Petty and Cacioppo, 1986, p. 4). Effect is portrayed as any change in these general attitudinal appraisals. Finally, impact implies "any change in auras that result from prologue to a correspondence" (Petty and Cacioppo, 1986, p. 5)
Model of ELM
Figure 12. Diagram of the model, ELM, December 30, 2015, Retrieved From
Process Flow of ELM

Figure 13 Process Flow, ELM, December 30, 2015, Retrieved From 

Applications of Elaboration Likelihood Model in Marketing/Advertising
Peripheral Route. People dedicate restrained psychological push to preparing approaching messages because of an absence of inspiration and capacity under the this route. In this way, they judge the message claim as per heuristic signals in the encouraging setting without careful thought (Kim & Benbasat, 2003).

Figure 14. Smash Hit By Hayden, Got Milk, October 30, 2015, Retrieved From

Figure 15Fuel Big For Big Days, Weetabix. October 12,2015, Retrieved From

Figure 16. Deepika Padukone looks glamourous, Tanishq. Retrieved December 20,2015, from
Central Route. An individual endeavors to purposely and attentively assess the substance of approaching messages under the central route. An individual attempts to deliberately and mindfully evaluate the substance of drawing nearer messages under the focal course. Along these lines, his or her attitude changes are managed by the issue-related conflicts of the message claims. If the disputes are strong instead of defective, then an individual's feelings and airs toward the granted subject will be changed decidedly  (O'Keefe, 1990).

Figure 17. Let's aim for zero cavities, Colgate, December 30, 2015, Retrieved from

Figure 18. 5 Rupees daily, SKMH, December 30, 2015,Retrieved from

Saturday, January 9, 2016


DAGMAR Model. Describing Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results', and the acronym is DAGMAR, and this was proposed in 1961 by Russell H.Coney. Coney prescribed that accomplishment of a chain of significance of-correspondences ends to prompt a bona fide purchase. He recommended that showcasing targets and publicizing targets were distinctive. Showcasing goals are measured similarly as arrangements however advancing targets are measured similarly as the customers' improvement along the progressive system. The diverse stages and the phases in this model are according to the accompanying and given as under:-
•     AWARENESS:-  The customer gets the opportunity to be aware of the thing.
•     COMPREHENSION:- The customer thinks about the thing characteristics and its employments. He is moreover familiar with the relative brand name and also checks logo.
•     CONVICTION:- This phase suggests that the eager decision of leaning toward one brand to another.
•     ACTION:- In this phase the Buying Decision is done and customer will buy the product.
The DAGMAR model expects a high-association "learn-feel-do" chain of importance. As advancing and showcasing goals are regarded unmistakable, promoting targets can be described especially took after and measured. The whole deal effects of the notification can similarly be examined. With the help of the DAGMAR model, the practicality of the promotion can be measured similarly as its ability to move the customer along the progressive system. The model enabled promoters to describe the target business division or social event of individuals for the business.
As the commercial must be established on the targets, innovative people included amid the time spent sketching out tend to feel that their creativity was being smothered. The utilization of DAGMAR is in like manner particularly exorbitant, as expansive investigation is required for setting quantitative targets and measures.
Applications in Marketing:- General Motors(GM) utilized the DAGMAR way to deal with recognize promoting objectives. And “Save from Dengue campaign” from Government of Pakistan.

Figure 1. Save From Dengue-Ad, Government of Pakistan ,December 30, 2015, Retrieved from Google Images

Major Marketing Tools

  • Marketing communication models models are created taking into account different studies that clarify how interchanges work in advertising an item. They go about as imperative apparatuses in seeing how interchanges work, in actuality, showcasing circumstances and for building up a correspondence system. Correspondence procedure can represent the creating so as to decide moment a brand a picture or observation in the psyches of clients emphatically and they might make a sale/buy. Following are the few  models of marketing communication, namely:-
  • 1)      AIDA MODEL
  • 2)      The BCG Matrix
  • 3)      Diffusion of Innovation
  • 4)      McKinsey 7S model
  • 5)      The 7Ps of the Marketing Mix
  • 6)      Push and Pull Marketing
  • 7)      SOSTAC(R)
  • 8)      Elaboration Likelihood Model
  • 9)      SWOT (TOWS) matrix
  • 10)  RACE Planning
  • 11)  DRIP
  • 12)  Porter's Five Forces
  • 13)  Price-Quality-Strategy Model
  • 14)  Product Lifecycle
  • 15)  Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP)
  • 17)  Behavior Perspective Model

Friday, January 8, 2016

AIDA Model

AIDA Model stimulating the purchase decision
AIDA influencing Purchase Decision through a linear progression of steps
An ad would be viable just if the people and their circle acknowledge that message it contains and is inspired to make the essential move. The assignment of an ad is to pull in, with the goal that he will take a gander at the ad and commence to examine it; which will then intrigue him, so he will keep on understanding it; then to induce him, so that when he has perused it, he will trust it (Rawal, 2013).
In the event that a notice and ad contains these three characteristics of progress, it is a fruitful notice. TV is still the best type of broad communications conveyance and can be puissant, if advertisers deduce how to persuade viewers to pay consideration on them. In the period of intuitive correspondences one may expect that the old restricted show directs which must be waning in adequacy. Not just are battles that utilization TV promoting more viable, however TV is authentically turning out to be more viable after some time. A few models have been engendered which have concretely distinguished the arrangement of occasions, which should occur between receipt of the message and coveted activity (Rawal, 2013).

AIDA Model

Rawal (2013) explains the model that AIDA is an important acronym that is utilized by advertisers and sponsors to integrate to a showcasing correspondence system and demystifies a 4 stage process for the transaction to transpire. The article discusses how AIDA can avail in making a buy/purchase if legitimately actualized through Television as a promoting media. AIDA depicts what comes to leave behind when a purchaser connects with an advertisement (Lin & Huang, 2006). The approaches and terms are ascribed to US advertising and deals pioneer, E. St. Elmo Lewis.
In marketing and promoting, prehending the consideration of potential customers is a basis to increasing enthusiasm for the item/product. Once that intrigue is built up, successful business should make the prospective customers who need the items and the products in a sufficient amount to make profit for the most of earnings by purchasing of the items.
Buyers and Purchasers respond to the promotional messages in a very specific way. Advertisers are required to understand the psyche of the customers for this they can consider the shoppers by gigantically goliath visuals and other tangible methods. Once the advertiser gets the attention and the consideration of the respective shopper, they should make their interest and passion through item’s exhibitions and promotions. Companies should then form want by focusing on inciting a need for their straight out brand, ultimately, purchaser activity through rebates, advancements & getting out of elements or advantages. The model of publicizing and promoting will remains for the attributes like Attention, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA) is may be the least difficult recipe you'll ever discover anyplace, yet moreover the most strong (Rawal, 2013).
Attention: The primary thing your ad requires to do is to get the viewer's consideration. In the event that you don't get the consideration of your client instantly, you've lost them for good. You accomplish this with your advertisement business that has an advance required for the brand to be advanced (Lin & Huang, 2006). There's no reason for beginning your promotion with your logo and your name as nobody considerations. So your promotion ought to instantly get your viewer s consideration and offer a reasonable advantage for seeing whatever is left of the commercial. Numerous brands make utilization of profoundly prominent big names in their notice business. In adding to a publicizing program, promoting chiefs ought to dependably begin by recognizing the focused on gathering of people and its motivations to buy a particular item or administration (Rawal, 2013).
Interest: Once you have their consideration, you have to make an enthusiasm for your product. As soon as we've gotten their attention« now we should concentrate on building their advantage .Your advantage segment ought to likewise utilize feelings to address the way this buy is a decent deal, the right step, a dependable choice, and so forth. Be that as it may, notwithstanding that, we have to tell the client what will happen in the event that he/she doesn't purchase our item (Lin & Huang, 2006).
Desire: There's cosmically colossal refinement between being interested with something and fancying it. You require changing over your viewer's enthusiasm into an energetic longing for what you're putting forth. A TV commercial must incite an enthusiastic inspiration and induce an objective for purchasing the item regardless of the possibility that need is not there. This can come to pass just if the commercial has used the right request in the promotion (Rawal, 2013).
Action: When a brand advances its picture through a notice publicists ought to find out they can persuade their clients to make a last purchase or be curious to ken more about the item/mark. In what way continually enamoring and client centered a promotion be ,if there is no fiery arranging in the psyches of the client your image will be confused among the parcel and part of endeavors are then required to tell your gathering of people how amiable the item is for its objective business sector. A commercial will be a ready to incite a lively effect just in the event that it can highlight the advantages its objective business sector will get with using the item at exactly that point activity towards a buy will happen as individuals will dependably purchase your item when they outwardly see the advantages attached with using it (Lin and Huang, 2006).
For Example:
Figure 5. Faisal Quereshi Excuse Me, Ufone, December 27, 2015, Retrieved From
Ufone has recently published its new advertisement in response to the Mobilink ad in which bollywood model Nargis Fakhri was endorsing its Mobile Phone and the ad gone viral with a lot of controversy as it was published in a leading newspaper the daily Jang. Mobilink ad was attention seeking but it created a negative impact and Ufone took its advantage.
Because people of Pakistan were aware of the Mobilink ad and its controversies, Ufone published the above mentioned ad which has become more attention seeking. In this ad Faisal Qureshi has been taken an he was posing the same style as Nargis Fakhri was posing in Mobilink’s ad. But the dressing and pose of Faisal Qureshi is showing the exact target audience and the attention grabbing caption for the viewers.
Once people give attention to the ad they try to get the basic information first. And as we can see that ad has the caption that “Our phone is better and cheaper”. This statement definitely grabs the attention and creates the interest of the people. According to the AIDA model the next step focuses on DESIRE. Whether a person desire for this product or not ad has enough content to convey its message and definitely people who ignored the controversial ad of Mobilink will be directly attracted by this ad and desire for this product is simultaneously created. Last phase is the Action. As far as communication is concerned this ad has also become viral and even got more reach and views than Mobilink one so we can say that people have performed the relevant Action according to the AIDA model the steps were followed and ascertain the flow of AIDA in communication.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Study on Theory of Reasoned Action

Title: using the theory of reasoned action to predict college men’s intention to seek psychological help
Author: Timothy E,Rogers August, 2009


Theory of Reasoned Action

The link between conceptual framework and theory/model

This research study is required to increase the current understanding of male’s help-seeking intentions by using the TRA i.e. Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1980). This theory gives an extensive structure to all the while evaluate a few convictions that may add to the development of states of mind and subjective standards that, thus, decide a man's aim to perform a particular conduct, for example, looking for mental help (Halgin, Weaver, Edell, and Spencer, 1987; Vogel et al., 2005). Utilizing existing mental measures of help-looking for variables (i.e., states of mind, subjective standards, expected dangers and advantages of self-exposure, treatment fears, self-revelation ability, social and individual shame for looking for mental help) and manliness builds (i.e., sexual orientation part struggle and adjustment to conventional male standards), this study inspected a completely intervened and somewhat interceded TRA model to anticipate help-looking for expectations in an example of school men (Rogers,2009).

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework (Rogers, 2009)

Dependent & Independent Variables

Table 2: Dependent & Independent Variables
Depended Variables
Independent Variable
Intention to see Help
Attitude towards seeking help
Subject Norms


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Research on Theory of Planned Behavior

Title: Utilizing the Theory of Planned Behavior to Explain Suicidal Intent 
Author: Pamela R. George August, 2009


Theory of Planned Behavior

The link between conceptual framework and theory/model

Using the TPB can avail the marketing understanding of suicidal ideation and human behavior in regard to attitudinal behavioral and outcome notions associated with engaging in suicidal comportment, pressure or influence of others to not engage in the deportment, and perceived control in ability to consummate the demeanor. The purpose of procurement (scanner-information) on huge scale get to be accessible in nineties decade. This is likewise called the 'promoting data upset'' and it is considered as a noteworthy animating explanation for buyer decision surge (Blattberg et al. 1994).
The purport of procurement (scanner-information) on immensely colossal scale get to be accessible in nineties decade. This is likewise called the 'promoting data upset'' and it is considered as an eminent animating explication for buyer decision surge (Blattberg et al. 1994).
The most conspicuous instrument to do these investigations was Multinomial logit models (Guadagni and Little 1983). The quickly developing information helped utilizing software engineering and computerized reasoning to make new systems which incorporate the inductive procedures (e.g., fake neural nets) that aides discovering substantial information bases regularities, and separating learning from information which we call information mining idea. Amid nineties, a hypothetical demonstrating called "adapted" get to be prevalent. In this hypothetical model, the showcasing issue and promoting marvel is portrayed by couple of scientific mathematical statements (Wierenga 2008). Researchers have suggested that the theory of planned behavior does not focus on illness, but rather on a general model of social behavior (OConnor, 2003).
 The TPB was integrated with several other research on biological & psychological variables would be providing a holistic model of describing the suicidal intent. The research has identified some important factors, such as depression & hopelessness, these might not be the causes of suicide but these factors can influence individual social norms, attitudes and the perceived control cognate to suicide as a managing option (Matheson, 2002). 

Dependent & Independent Variables

Table 2: Dependent & Independent Variables
Depended Variables
Independent Variable

suicidal ideation

Attitudes towards suicide, perceived behavioral control, subjective norm beliefs, and level of, depression, and hopelessness.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Evolution of Marketing Tools

The marketing history thought were categorized by the Robert Bartel. He categorized it in decades starting from the initial years of 20th century. People have some differences in this characterization ("History of Marketing", n.d.). Given below are the details:
·         In 1900s: It was the discovery of primary concepts of marketing with their exploration
·         In 1910s: There came the definition of terms, conceptualization & classification.
·         In 1920s: There came the integration of the basis of principles
·         In 1930s: There came development of specialization and variation in theory
·         In 1940s: There came reappraisal in the light of new demands and a more scientific approach
·         In 1950s: There came re-conceptualization in the light of managerialism, social development & quantitative approaches
·         In 1960s: There came differentiation on bases such as managerialism, holism, environmentalism, systems, and internationalism
·         1970s: socialization i.e. the revision of marketing to social change
With the development in significance of showcasing divisions and marketing departments and their related directors, the field has ended up ready for the engendering of administration trends which don't generally credit themselves to periodization

Sixties (60s)

·         1960 to 1969: It was The Beginning Decade
o   Micro-economic changes and their approaches to marketing problems (Nerlove & Arrow, 1962)
o    Marketing issues formulated as known operation research (OR) issues (Engel & Warshaw, 1964); (Montgomery &  Urban, 1969)
Micro-economics is the literature where Initial mathematical techniques and their approaches to marketing issues can be found. However, theorem for marketing Mix optimization by Dorfman and Steiner paper (1954) is very famous during this decade (Wierenga 2008). Later on, more work was done on Operation Research and Management Science in this decade. Operation Research concepts in this decade were combined with concepts of “theory of decision making” (Pratt et al. 1965). 

Seventies (70s)

·         1970–1979 It was The Golden Decade
o   Golden decade entitled (Stochastic Models Massy et al.,1970)
o   Models for marketing instruments by Kotler (1971);
o   Market response models by Little (1979a);
o   Labeled marketing decision models by CALLPLAN (Lodish, 1971)
o   Marketing decision and their support systems by Little (1979b)
In the seventies, the field of advertising developed and grew exponentially. In this manner, we can say that this decade is the Golden Decade for promoting choice models (Wierenga 2008). Specialists understood that OR calculations can be extremely hard to actualize for certifiable advertising issues. Notwithstanding advertising issues must be abuse to fit them to a current OR method (Montgomery, 1973). Utilization of straight programming to media arranging is the most observable illustration (Engel & Warshaw, 1964). There were numerous models were created and displayed in this decade as should be obvious in above graph. Idea of "Promoting Decision Support Systems (MDSS)" is the additionally one of the huge advancement in the seventies'' (Little 1979b).

Eighties (80s)

·         1980–1989 Marketing move towards Generalizations and enhanced Marketing Knowledge
o   Meta-analyses of the effects of marketing instruments (Asmus et al.,1984)
o   Knowledge-based models and expert systems(Abraham & Lodish, 1987); (McCann & Gallagher, 1990)
o   Conjoint analysis models (Green et al., 1981)
Working on the marketing and promoting models by seventies were noteworthy, in this manner, it did speculation in eighties (Wierenga, 2008). The meta-investigations for promoting (Asmus et al., 1984) and value (Tellis, 1988) are the frequently refered to concentrates on. The reason for speculation is fundamentally the condensing our insight around a specific territory or subject. After the mid-eighties the prominent point was showcasing learning. Software engineering and counterfeit consciousness (AI) procedures offer taking choice by putting away some assistance with marketing data in PCs and after that permit that data for choice making process. It contributed a considerable measure in giving an ascent to the advancement of master frameworks and learning based frameworks. The greater parts of these frameworks in showcasing were created for deals advancements and promoting (Wierenga 2008). Conjoint examination models were exceptionally conspicuous in this decade. Conjoint examination's first work in showcasing was showed up in the 70s (Green & Srinivasan 1978).

Nineties (90s)

·         1990–1999: It was the Marketing Information Revolution (Relationship Era)
o   Involves long–term and the value–added relationships
o   Carried client introduction considerably assist
o   Focuses on building up and keeping up associations with both clients and suppliers
o   Involves long–term, value–added connections
o   Marketing time has as moved from being "exchange based" to concentrating on connections and networking
o   Scanner-data-based consumer choice modeling (Neslin, 1990)
o   Neural networks & the data mining (Hruschka, 1993)
o    Theoretical modeling (Moorthy, 1993)
The arguments were made that conventional marketing concentrated on drawing in new clients as opposed to holding existing ones. It is just as critical to hold tight to existing clients with the goal that they get to be rehash purchasers and long haul faithful clients

The purpose of procurement (scanner-information) on huge scale get to be accessible in nineties decade. This is likewise called the 'promoting data upset'' and it is considered as a noteworthy animating explanation for buyer decision surge (Blattberg et al. 1994). The most conspicuous instrument to do these investigations was Multinomial logic models (Guadagni and Little 1983). The quickly developing information helped utilizing software engineering and computerized reasoning to make new systems which incorporate the inductive procedures (e.g., fake neural nets) that aides discovering substantial information bases regularities, and separating learning from information which we call information mining idea. Amid nineties, a hypothetical demonstrating called "adapted" get to be prevalent. In this hypothetical model, the showcasing issue and promoting marvel is portrayed by couple of scientific mathematical statements (Wierenga, 2008).