Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pepsi- Chinese New Year Ad

The ad broadly clearly defines the segments in terms of demographics. Following are the demographic segments discussed in detail which were shown in the Pepsi ad.

The ad clearly shows the preference of the persons when they were child and when they are young adults. The usage of Pepsi was shown at the teen age of the boy and when he grown up to a young adult seems like fond of Pepsi.

Gender based segmentation was also shown like a girl was more towards juices than a boy who prefers Pepsi. And the ad segmented the audience in gender as girl shown in the ad was more towards juices and a clear segment for the brand Tropicana.

Social class & Lifestyle
Middle class family was shown in the ad as station master was not a rich person and the gradual change in the lifestyles of the children when they grown up were also shown clearly. As the boy becomes a singer, one girl working in a big office with a good position.


Middle class family was shown in the ad as station master was not a rich person and the gradual change in the lifestyles of the children when they grown up were also shown clearly. As the boy becomes a singer, one girl working in a big office with a good position.

Activities & Interest
ImageAd portrays the psychographics of the Chinese people specially the target audience of different brands (like Pepsi, Tropicana and Lays). A girl hanging out with friends shows her activities and interest. Music likelihood in teens/youth was shown (the boy doesn’t want to miss the singing chance in the CNY show) as well as the workaholic nature of Chinese people (The eldest girls shown working in the office and seems like very much busy and not getting any leaves for spending holidays at family).


Values & Attitudes
The values, attitudes and opinions were also shown in the form of respect, changing attitudes and celebrations. Consumers have retained more traditional Chinese values (giving time to family, spending holidays together) and are more collectivistic. Chinese consumers care more about their own feelings and desires, and less about the opinions or evaluations of other people, so as shown in the ad that young adults were all busy in their own activities.


Chinese Consumer Insight
Typical consumer insights are shown in the ad. Chinese are the usually savers don’t spend on luxuries/extra items etc. But in ad a father spending is shown and love of father is portrayed that he stopped himself buying a required thing and bought the Lays for his child.


It is very typical for Chinese to make last minute purchasing decisions. According to a research most of the buyers decides in the store what they are going to buy.

Sticking to the family members was clearly highlighted as every child finally reached home to spend New Year night at hometown with the father. In addition to this the Chinese insight of having food with chop sticks, the family celebrations and association was also shown in the ad.
Similarly the difference of social classes was also shown and characteristics of S-Generation (like life expectations, and appreciating the individualistic approach) were portrayed in the ad as they also.